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Undergraduate Program

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The Bachelor of Science degree provides a foundation for careers in many facets of the energy industry. The program represents an evolution toward a broader forward-looking energy curriculum, while still providing an Earth-sciences based engineering approach to energy resources.

One of the goals of the program is to provide experience integrating the skills developed in individual courses to address a significant design problem. In ENERGY 199 Senior Capstone Project and Seminar in Energy Science and Engineering, taken in the senior year, student teams identify and propose technical solutions for an energy-resource related problem of current interest.

In collaboration with their major advisor, students will develop their individual course of study. The curriculum is structured with flexibility that allows students to explore energy topics of particular individual interest and to study abroad.

Please refer to the Stanford Bulletin for Energy Science and Engineering for degree requirements.

How to declare major or minor Energy Science and Engineering

  1. Complete ENERGY Major Program Proposal or ENERGY Minor Program Proposal.
  2. Schedule meeting with Director of Undergraduate Studies, Prof. Tony Kovscek to go over proposal and questions about the major/minor.
  3. Submit program proposal to Student Services.
  4. Declare major (ENERGY-BS) or minor (ENERGY-MIN) in Axess.

Transfer Credit Policy: In some cases, the department will accept transfer credit to fulfill requirements for the major and minor. As a first step, please contact Student Services for department transfer credit procedures. For general information on transfer credit, please visit the Stanford Student Services website.

Meet our 2024-2025 Peer Advisors

Interested in learning more about the major/minor? Connect with an ESE peer advisor.

ESE peer advisors serve as a resource for the undergraduate community through educational programs and social events. They provide information and guidance on the major/minor, courses, department life, and career paths.

Anders Luffman 

( – Office hours, every Tuesday, 10am-12pm, Zoom
Thomas Saito 

( – Available to meet upon request.

Need more information about our undergraduate programs?

Contact Energy Science and Engineering Student Services.